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How does the TIME of DAY affect your Body?

Kelly Goorts

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, we link everything to yin and yang, the 12 main organs and their flow through our body. Our 24 hour day is broken down into two-hour intervals, which each of the 12 organs having a dominate two-hour slot. During the night, our energy is drawn inwards to restore the body, and during the day outwards to help with all the bodily functions.

This two-hour window is when the energy is flowing and moving the strongest for that organ system. When Kelly is asking questions during an initial assessment or follow up appointment, she is always looking to see if there are any imbalances occurring so she can help get the body back into alignment.

The flow of energy through the organs and our body is natural and can give us so many indications on imbalances when we start paying more attention to them. For example, if you are awake during the Liver time - 1 to 3 am - you may have some unresolved emotions or frustrations from the day. The Liver should be focusing on cleansing the blood at that time, but it is also about the free flow of energy in the body and if you have not been able to let something go, it will be brought back to your attention during this time.

Another similar example is the Lungs which is 3 to 5 am. If you are awake during this time there might be some unresolved sadness or grief that is keeping you up, or you might have a condition affecting the lungs, especially if there are other signs like coughing during this time.

Each two-hour time slot has it's peak time that it is working on repairing and maintaining itself. Thus it is important to watch signs and symptoms going on in the body to help you improve your overall health.

A summary of each of the organs and their function is listed below along with some tips to help your body during that time of day.

If you have any questions about signs or symptoms you are noticing, please do not hesitate to contact Kelly to discuss them in more detail.


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